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Rev Up Your Business


Growing a Business During Uncertainty is Hard

As a woman entrepreneur, you want to build a thriving business that you love. The problem is, the world is still unpredictable and emotionally exhausting, leaving you anxious about how to create real growth and the motivation to do it.


Which is totally understandable. No business owner knew how to respond to the pandemic, what it would mean for your clients, or how long it would last.


So, you did the best you knew how, figuring out how to keep customers, conserving cash, making a million adjustments, and hoping that soon it would all go away.

I Felt the Same Way

When the pandemic hit, forcing a business shutdown that no one could have imagined, I first thought that my coaching business and REV UP Society for women entrepreneurs was over. Would anyone even have a business? Let alone spend precious money on coaching?


Then I had a second thought. In the midst of crisis and uncertainty, we needed each other more than ever! 


That’s when I made the gutsy decision to not give up, to modify how our group operated, to roll up our sleeves, and to start figuring things out.


As the impact of the pandemic unfolded, we faced each day with a purpose and we each other. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months. Every single member of the REV UP Society kept at it, stayed in business, and became stronger, several having their biggest revenue growth yet.


I am sooo proud of them all! (You can hear their 5 Minute Pivot Story here!)

2021 May Be Uncertain.
But You Don't Have to Be.

There’s no doubt that this B.C. (Before COVID) to A.D. (Another Dimension) experience has proven that even in uncertainty, you and your business can grow and thrive.


But only if you have these 3 essentials:

Essential #1: Clarity of Purpose and Plan

Being super clear on what matters – and what doesn’t – is a game-changer. You can confidently focus and let go of the rest.


Essential #2: Consistency of Action

You must do your defined list of small, medium, and big things every day to make progress. I call these Revenue Generating Activities (RGAs)


Essential #3: Community of Like-Minded Entrepreneurs

So you stay motivated and resilient.

Create Your Own 2021 Certainty.
Join the 30-Day Challenge to Rev Up Your Business
With a Select Group of Women Entrepreneurs!

Give yourself 30 days to put yourself on the path to feeling bold, strong, and ready to thrive in 2021 regardless of what happens next. This 30-day challenge includes the essentials you need that worked for REV UP Society members and will work for you, too!


And you won't do it alone! This is a FUN experience with a select group of energized women entrepreneurs!

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Here’s how the 30-Day Challenge works:

We kick things off with a one-day virtual REV UP Retreat on Jan 15, 2021, 9 am -2 pm ET.
Together with other women entrepreneurs and laser coaching, you will do a deep dive in real-time to create your Simplified Plan for real growth. (Value $1000)

One-on-One Coaching to Review Your Plan
In this 30-min session we will review your plan together. I will give you my personal feedback, ideas, and insights so that you feel confident you are focused on what truly matters and can let go of the rest. (Value $250)

Daily RGA Accountability

You commit to doing and posting 3 Revenue Generating Activities (RGAs) from your Simplified Plan every Monday through Friday in our private virtual group. The best part is being cheered on by your “challenge” mates! Anticipate your confidence and progress to soar! (Value $750)


Weekly Virtual Rendezvous Sessions

The roller coaster feelings are real! That’s why it’s critical to experience the energy of a group of women who get it and help you regain your mojo. In these 90-minute sessions we will celebrate your wins and brainstorm solutions to any speed bumps or challenges you’re facing. (Value $750)


Private Virtual Group

A simple, powerful way for everyone on this 30-day journey to stay connected. You will get daily posts to motivate, inspire or make you laugh. Plus, it’s your community to post questions, get feedback, share successes, and ask for support. (Value Priceless!)

Image by Tim Mossholder


My personal chef and catering business was doing okay, but after Mary's supportive and empowering leadership in the REV UP Society, my business has been thrust into a new light. The real traction has come from being held accountable for revenue generating activities. So far my personal chef business has increased by 25% and my catering season has a 50% increase. Working with Mary is one of the best investments I have made for my business. ” 


Tammy Brawley

The Green Kitchen

The Next 30-Day Challenge Coming Soon!

About Your Fearless Leader

Mary Foley

I know what it's like to feel anxious and uncertain in your business. From bubbles and recessions to glass ceilings and corporate politics, I've navigated challenging times and understand what it takes to thrive: clarity, confidence, and community.

I've watched countless women struggle to achieve their entrepreneurial dreams because they were never given practical, actionable advice on how to have a successful business. In my nearly 20 years of advising, mentoring, and coaching women, it's become clear that women thrive when they experience the powerful combination of individual one-on-one coaching, real accountability, and a community of supportive and meaningful relationships.

That's why I created the REV UP Society. Together, we can be stronger, smarter, and savvier in the midst of uncertainty. Join us and discover how your business can grow in ways you never imagined!

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Known for her insights, candidness and humor, Mary Foley revs up women entrepreneurs with the clarity, confidence, consistency, and community to generate the revenue they really want. When she’s not wearing her red cape as a business coach, workshop facilitator, or host of the Live Like Your Nail Color Podcast, she’s usually on her bike tapping into her inner teenager on the trails and byways of Virginia.  

  • Mary Foley | Linked In

© Mary Foley 2024 | Bodacious! Ventures | 804-249-4749

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